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Anonymous commented at 2010-08-09 07:36:10 » #394799

Is SF1 Mike the same Mike from SF 2 - SSF 4?

3 Points Flag
whoisthisguy commented at 2010-08-19 18:47:44 » #407060

Capcom said that Mike and Balrog were meant to be 2 different people. But in Mike's profile it said that he killed an opponent in the ring. Balrog did the same. So I'm guessing that Mike is a prototype of Balrog.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-09-05 22:52:28 » #427026

Or maybe is the same person. Just think about it, after too many fucked ups of Capcom's justifications for the characters like Birdie on SF1 that he was sick or the gender of Poison just for being punched by tough guys on FF. It's quite simple. It was the very first desing for all the characters. Remember the first Woody Woodpecker or the first desing of Bugs Bunny? They were so different if we compare them to the actual ones. A fictional character tends to evolutionate through the time, that's all.

20 Points Flag