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luigi-dude commented at 2023-05-14 12:27:57 » #2803359

Looks like Queen Zelda to me. Matriarch of Hyrule indeed.

3 Points Flag
PurpleHairAficionado commented at 2023-05-23 22:17:34 » #2805605

Tp Zelda always felt more like a Queen. She's older than the others, is alone in Hyrule Castle aside from her guards when Zant attacks, solely makes the decision to cede Hyrule to Twilight (so has absolute authority), and no mention of a King or Queen or other Hylian royalty is ever made. Shame they didn't just call her a queen, but I guess they wanted that "who is the Twilight Princess?" fakeout which most people never even realised was supposed to be a question because of how obvious it was

9 Points Flag
ouranos commented at 2023-12-21 11:12:32 » #2852333

I think its stated somewhere that when Zant attacked it was the day of (or only a few days/weeks away from) Zelda's coronation as Queen.

1 Points Flag