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LittleLoliPanties commented at 2023-06-07 20:31:35 » #2808845

I like to think someone offered her a box of condoms, saying "It's dangerous to go alone, take these," but she was too embarrassed to take them. Sure, she'd have still gotten raped and had cum all over the rest of her body, but she could have avoided the pregnancy risk!

10 Points Flag
fraska1 commented at 2023-06-07 21:49:27 » #2808852

I know it's saying she lost her virginity but why is that as a percentage? Sure it could count like anal and oral too but that's still a weird way to count it

5 Points Flag
LittleLoliPanties commented at 2023-06-09 10:50:46 » #2809308

If you look closely there's cum draining out of her mouth and ass as well as her pussy. She's also got cum on both hands, so they forced her do handjobs. Her dress is ripped open to expose her breasts, and there's some cum below them, so it looks like they may have done paizuri as well. So yep, it's -100% because the monsters used all three holes and then some.

Or the RPG was coded to display all status effects in percentages.

8 Points Flag
silverfoxyhon commented at 2023-06-17 17:42:15 » #2811383

Smoke weed everyday. By the looks of it shes surrounded by weed, her breath looks like smoke, and it explains why she was forced, either forced to smoke weed, or got so high she was taken advantage of while calling for her mom. Hot

4 Points Flag
silverfoxyhon commented at 2023-06-17 17:44:09 » #2811384

Maybe shes hallucinating or its stickers, just overthinking the background cause of the forbidden grass

0 Points Flag
Gunnerkrigg commented at 2023-06-17 22:37:56 » #2811463

First of all I can tell you've never smoked the herb because that's not how it works at all. It's not a date rape drug but it does make some people horny, depending on the strain. The worst that ever happens if you get hungry then maybe a bit sleepy.
Secondly, the "smoke clouds" you see are a mega common way of depicting someone breathing heavily. If it's not animated there's basically no other way for an artist to depict heavy breathing because air is invisible. I'm surprised you haven't noticed it in any other pics.

3 Points Flag
LittleLoliPanties commented at 2023-06-18 16:00:29 » #2811594

Yeah, it's called "steamy breath." The extra heat from exertion/sex/etc. can cause water vapor to condense in the air, like what happens in winter time, only in warmer air. It's not terribly common in the real world, but it does happen.

She was raped because she ran into monsters much more powerful than her. The game she's from, Fortune Summoners is notorious for being really difficult. Kuroba U wanted to draw a rape outcome of losing a battle.

5 Points Flag