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Melted_butter42 commented at 2023-06-17 20:08:14 » #2811423

I love how most femboy penis humiliation things are either the femboy with like an 8 inch dick being called disappointing by a man with an arm in his pants, or he's 1.8 inches erect because his dick was hit with a shrink ray. I wonder why they never have a reasonable sized penis.

19 Points Flag
Gunnerkrigg commented at 2023-06-17 21:42:18 » #2811448

Jesus that thing is bigger around than Link's waist! I'd hate to have a dick that big because you'd never be able to put it in anyone. Not just from size, but when you got a boner so much blood would rush out of your head that you'd pass out LOL.

11 Points Flag