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SyteSkimmer commented at 2023-06-29 09:40:45 » #2814114

The 1st Hentai Company PORO meeting was like-

"What kind of animated porn should we make?"
"Why don't we just make our Hentai about older men raping highschool girls."
"Great idea! Let's go with that. Meeting dismissed."

And that's how PORO has made it's Hentai animations to this day.

12 Points Flag
SyteSkimmer commented at 2023-06-29 09:46:51 » #2814118

Seriously. I think there's only 4 Hentai I can think of that PORO made without raping highschool girls as the theme, and only 1 out of 4 of them didn't feature the rape fetish. Oppai Heart.

8 Points Flag
Gifted commented at 2023-08-08 14:06:59 » #2822935

Yes, but Oppai Heart had the chick have some kind of disorder that could only be temporarily halted. So while she might have liked it, she really had no choice in the matter. Enjoy your Medicine or Enjoy your misery.

4 Points Flag
Kazuka13 commented at 2023-11-13 06:55:48 » #2843596

"I said no".

You've been saying "no" for years now Airi. Did you really think that'd stop things?

3 Points Flag