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traffik commented at 2014-01-12 05:35:32 » #1469619

A lot of the images here attributed to 'aoneko'/rikose are not actually by that artist. They are instead by an artist who goes by 'ユウ' on pixiv, 'Wilsonphilips' on twitter, and is tagged as 'kemonon' on e621 ('kemonon' being taken from their now-defunct blog). They're not the same artist. The difference in style is, IMHO, pretty plain to see. Rikose's pixiv page is www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=47785, while 'kemonon'/ユウ's page is at www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=16853.

All of these mistagged pics seem to have been uploaded/tagged by the same person, so someone's not doing their homework. I'm going to try to fix them, but I'm quite inexperienced at tagging on this site... so hopefully I don't mess stuff up.

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traffik commented at 2014-01-12 05:37:06 » #1469620

Kind of like how I messed up that comment. T_T

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