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PainofSixPaths commented at 2010-08-21 04:13:35 » #408555

OK, I just wanna say FUCK OFF whoever reported the original two posts of this picture. I re-posted it because it was removed for having an 'american artist'.
Listen, NO ONE GIVES A SHIT!!! The site rules say it has to be ANIME-RELATED. Nothing about who the artist is, what ethnicity it is, or any of that shit.
It's a hentai site. Masturbate to the picture if you like it. Don't run around reporting because for stupid half-ass reasons like 'American artist' or 'Not Japan related'. The site says nothing about it having to be specifically from JAPAN, you fucktard.
For all anyone cares, it could have a Canadian artist from Africa who was originally from a Cherokee clan. If this one gets reported for the same reason, I'm just going to keep re-posting it.

24 Points Flag
Harusamerokurokuroku commented at 2010-08-21 04:20:26 » #408559

hot yiff! the mandalorian symbol on the wall.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-08-21 04:41:33 » #408563

PainofSixPaths, seek counseling for anger management and furriness.

20 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-08-21 04:49:42 » #408567

Reported and suggested that you yourself be banned.

American artist and no one wants your furry shit.

21 Points Flag
EpikEnvy commented at 2010-08-21 04:54:23 » #408570

An addition to ^

Even more so when it's terribly drawn and has no relation to anything Japan-related what so ever.

20 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-08-21 07:06:36 » #408655

i dont know of any american furry catgirl chicks so i'd say its definitely japan influenced even if not from a specific show. just wish she didnt have that stupid condom in her mouth.

2 Points Flag
Animeserf commented at 2010-08-21 09:43:08 » #408731

If you don't like furry porn, then why are you here? Oh, because you're a fail troll who tried too hard. If you want regular porn, I can point you in the right direction. Dumbass.

10 Points Flag
EpikEnvy commented at 2010-08-21 10:57:48 » #408770

Yes, because making a valid point and saying "Stop uploading it if it was deleted you fucking idiot" makes me a troll.

You should probably look up the definition.


21 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-08-21 13:26:20 » #408875

So because the artist is american he is not allowed to try to make mangá art?Racists =_=

11 Points Flag
SuperMoogyD commented at 2010-08-21 13:55:16 » #408885

Regardless, if said image goes against the terms of service, it is deleted. No ifs, ands or buts about it.

You can argue until the cows come home, you can have an immature raging fit like the poster of the image, but it won't matter if in the end its against the rules since it will inevitably be removed at some point.

If you REALLY like her stuff that much just go to sites that Jessica Elwood puts her stuff up on. Speaking of which, her having a place to put it herself makes posting it here rather pointless, wouldn't you think? It also makes fighting over it even more idiotic.

24 Points Flag