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Fhunt69 commented at 2023-12-10 10:26:36 » #2850051

Hello I hope you are well

I owe you an apology...

I'm the one who uploaded this (credit goes all to the artist) but I have to say... You can do it bro!! , you can be better.
I'm so sorry if this bothers you, but right now I'm about to change my life and start good habits and forget the old ones (like this one).
You can see how many materials I uploaded on rulexxx and see how I started, at that time I felt sick of it.
I really like these things, but to change I have to start over.

I have an ideal and dreams to fulfill and this is in my path.
I have no problem if you continue using this type of material, but if you are like me and tired of it.
To find motivation you can look for a NO FAP video (followed by your favorite anime):
Guts - Berserk
Im been baned in rulexxx for saying the same.
Even if everyone laughs at me, but if only one at least starts a change after reading this, it's worth it.

I found my motivation to change, and i hope if you are like me find yours.

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