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Anonymous commented at 2010-08-27 22:36:24 » #416361

source plz, and dont say pixiv.. i can never view their stuff ;_;

30 Points Flag
coldblood commented at 2010-08-28 02:47:46 » #416623

Resistance is futile.

50 Points Flag
ramza91 commented at 2010-08-29 07:28:07 » #418006

god whoever this chick is shes damn hott,and the suit combined with the fact its the less heinous potential vore just makes it all the more better,for me anyway..wish there was a continueation

24 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-09-20 21:23:26 » #443972

WTF bukkake tag doing there?!

8 Points Flag
Moonbase commented at 2011-03-29 16:56:15 » #673152

rindou loves to draw tentacle monster vs hot chicks, needless to say vores. there are a few doujins that i found, some of them have nuns too

11 Points Flag
Coalition commented at 2011-04-14 05:48:26 » #694390

Instead of vore, the critter just needs some place to letits babies grow up. Instead of growing a separate womb, it just 'borrows' hers. For as long as necessary. When the babies are born, they feed from her tits, until they are strong enough to go into the world, and become the various living_suit images here.

To keep her fed, the main critter uses some of its food to pump into her mouth, long with various chemicals to keep her calm and lactating. Excess body fat is converted into more milk, so it also acts as a diet routine as well.

20 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-10-31 03:52:34 » #914584

cool story bro.

13 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-12-24 12:16:32 » #959117

How odd. If I saw a tentacle monster anywhere near me, I'd strip and jump into its mouth immediately.

16 Points Flag
EndlessHorizon commented at 2012-12-30 18:45:15 » #1234970

Woah, nice pussy. And nice story, btw.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-04-27 03:55:07 » #1310034

It always amazed me how in the rindou art the tentacles never seem to make it under her suit or find the seams and exploit them. Hopefully when she finally slips it's because her gloved hands were too slick and she falls face first into those tentacles. The petals with her heels locked onto them could close up and force her to be upside down. Then those big feelers could finally work the neck seam of her suit allowing the tiny long ones to enter her suit. We'd get to enjoy watching her latex covered boots twitch between the fleshy lips of this creature while tiny withering tentacles created bulges under the tight latex all around her legs. One could only guess what else it was doing to the rest of her under that suit as soft moans escaped from the fleshy flower.

11 Points Flag