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Anonymous commented at 2010-09-01 10:26:48 » #421690

Oh look, it's something vectored by Chris Gay. Probably traced.

11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-10-22 14:14:19 » #480932

This is completely regular penetration, not deep. Seriously, I'm amazed at the misuse of the tag, or the misleading name.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-12-20 06:03:35 » #551615

shut up anon2, can't you see the upper view... it's not hard to miss.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-01-04 11:05:10 » #569260

fucking shut up about the tags already!

0 Points Flag
Tyulyen commented at 2011-05-07 23:51:56 » #724525

Upon seeing this I instantly recognised the characters from deviantArt, mainly because of their ridiculous story (even by Sonic fan-character standards). A quick search revealed that their names are Rico and Rika Sakura, with the latter being an exact clone of the former, just female (exact to the point where they have identical taste in women). They’re also descendants of Tails from 850 years in the future, and are high ranking officers in Starfleet at an unusually young age (yes this crosses over with Star Trek), and they’re Power Ranges too. They also time travel a lot and interact with the canon ST (all five series) and Sonic characters (which in ST canon is usually restricted and tends to often be disastrous). While their designs are definitely more modest for Sonic characters, their story and traits sound like some horrible Mary Sue fanfic.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-05-07 23:54:37 » #724530


don't care about the tracing or the backstory, sorry

1 Points Flag
Tyulyen commented at 2011-05-08 00:40:57 » #724587

Well Anon 3, I'm really not surprised at all. Don't take offense at that, it wasn't intended as an insult, but rather that "people are here for porn, not walls of text".

I also have to say that I've seen much crazier Sonic crossovers and characters. The worst was probably this one Sonic/Kingdom Hearts/Twilight/every show aimed at tweens on Disney or Nickelodeon/five other things I don't remember crossover.

(I can't believe I missed that grammar fail in my previous post. How the hell did that get past my radar. An extra space on a 3pt font research paper wouldn't even get through.)

0 Points Flag