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AAASSSVVV commented at 2023-09-24 17:51:47 » #2832767

Mc Mommy <3

10 Points Flag
MoralSquandery commented at 2023-09-25 04:05:22 » #2832863

So are people actually mad about the McFamily ad? All I can find are people talking about how mad other people are about it.

15 Points Flag
JaffaTail commented at 2023-09-25 04:25:00 » #2832868

Yeah its just right wingers for some reason pretending left wingers got mad at a japanese mcdonalds ad, its really weird.

they keep saying the left are melting down over this ad but the right are the only ones melting down and its over shit theyve imagined? its some sort of genuine mass hysteria soley contained to right wing twitter users...

17 Points Flag
thereallegend123 commented at 2023-09-27 01:45:05 » #2833274

Just check the Twitter replies to see the angry left-wingers.

12 Points Flag
Suneater commented at 2023-09-29 23:42:38 » #2833909

Yes. All maybe 70 of them with less than one like. Whereas right-wingers have comments with over 3,000 likes by getting mad about a fictional scenario in their heads.

12 Points Flag
SadSap commented at 2023-09-30 00:11:46 » #2833918

Both sides are to blame and are both responsible for this stupid slapfight. Crazy right-wingers may have started the false propaganda campaign, but crazy left wingers screeching and bitching about heterosexuality, straight men, and heterosexual nuclear families do NOT help, and just keep adding fuel to the fire. Also they sometimes showing blatant racism against the Japanese, which is inexcusable.

7 Points Flag
r3dacted commented at 2023-10-09 18:11:29 » #2836101

I had to double check my address bar to make sure I was actually on gelbooru lol

7 Points Flag
BigStudBen commented at 2023-10-09 18:16:19 » #2836102

Yes, I will have some McBoobies with a side order of McBooty. <3

5 Points Flag