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ShadowComet commented at 2023-11-11 01:35:05 » #2843095

Personal Preference, I don't like when people shrink their edits. I feel like they were being lazy. This is my lazy effort at twice the original image size.

2 Points Flag
Shiduei commented at 2023-11-19 19:49:12 » #2845188

How you edit the anime into explicit, is there a website to do it?

0 Points Flag
ShadowComet commented at 2023-11-21 23:40:27 » #2845771

I find it interesting that people still think there is some "app" somewhere that you can do nude edits for existing drawings.
I will say that something like that exists more now than it did before.

Let me be clear, there was no "app" for nude edits in the past. There was a "paste over" app that did some funkiness to look passable that no longer exists because let's face it, Photoshop or GIMP was essentially the same thing. I use Photoshop and Clip Studio Paint, I paid for both.

Right now, you could use AI programs to do the heavy lifting of the edit and GIMP to do that paste over with some refinement.

I like making my edits "no background" so people can essentially make their own background and paste my nude edits into them.

I start by completely redoing the line work, then matching the colours as best I can and getting the shading as close to the original as possible with my own "style" of doing so.

While technically still an edit, it is also a rework. Mostly done in Photoshop, sometimes I use Clip Studio to help with some parts.

I post to Gelbooru, mostly because this is where I am, and really all I do are these rework/edits and am not particularly interested in copyright over them because A) not really mine, and B) Still an edit of original work. I just hope you enjoy them, and that's it.

3 Points Flag
Mderms commented at 2023-11-22 16:34:45 » #2845938

There are a few relatively good services out there to unclothe images that work pretty well on anime pics but they usually only have a certain amount of free tries with no guarantee of the quality and then you have to pay for more tokens. Usually you have to log in with google or discord so clearing cookies usually doesn’t work to get more tokens.

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