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Xotoj commented at 2024-01-16 05:37:09 » #2858589

"Proof of Revenance
The map the Blademaster had brought back held two pathes on it: One through the nearby forest and another around it towards the beach. Dividing into two parties, the forest team would act as a covert unit to support the beach team and consisted of three members: the Diplomat, the Sharpshooter, and the Thief. All remaining units were to take the beach route. With the plan in place, the girls went to bed for the night. Whether they knew it or not, it was their last night of peaceful sleep.

The forest team departed for their destination before the beach team awoke. Outside of the area being quiet and devoid of wildlife, all was fine for the first few hours. Seeing how easy it was to navigate, the Thief had gone ahead of them to carry out her mission, leaving only the Diplomat and Sharpshooter behind. This was about to change. Once they got deep enough, a dull, scarlet fog began to envelop the area, making visibility difficult to manage. Every so often, the girls would make sure to call out to each other to make sure they were still nearby.

A small shape began to form within the fog, only to reveal the first sign of life in this place. While it rested on the Diplomat's finger, she stopped for a moment to admire the creature. After a short while, the insect flew away, leaving only the girl and the fog. She called out to the Sharpshooter.. no response. She was alone, at least, until she met the second sign of life.

Unknown to our heroines, this forest had a negative reputation to it. The fog had allowed it to become a thriving no man's land, and soon she was about to see why. Jumped from behind, a bandit tackled her to the ground, sending her axe flying several feet away from her. The sudden impact left her dazed for a brief period. As she struggled to reach her weapon, more lowlifes showed up with chains, attaching them to her silky skin. Admiring the goods of what lie before him, their leader approached her.

"Good catch boys! We'll make a fortune off this one!"

In a desperate plea, the Diplomat tried to bargain for freedom.

"How about you guys join the winning team? If you help us take down the Demon Lord, we'll give you whatever you want in return."

The leader raised his eyebrow in confusion, almost as if to mock her.

"The winning team? Ha! We're already on the winning team!"

Unable to contain himself, he grabbed onto her head. With a single thrust, his rod plunged into her mouth and began pumping.

"Say.. I heard you calling out earlier.. you weren't traveling alone, were you?"

The Diplomat, now preoccupied, couldn't give a proper response. All that came out were muffled, panicked cries.

"I knew it! Alright boys, you heard the bitch! Move out and search for the rest of her party! We're about to be rich!"

The heroine's moans grew louder, as if to try and stop them, but it was too late. As more bandits disappeared into the fog, a warm release of fluid slid down her throat and into her stomach. It would be the first of many." -Story from creator's pixiv

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