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Xotoj commented at 2024-01-16 05:40:44 » #2858590

"Proof of Lordship
As the scarlet fog settled in, the two girls had agreed to call out to each other frequently to ensure neither of them would lose track of the other. A few hours had gone by, and, eventually, the Diplomat had stopped responding. The Sharpshooter yelled into the fog.. the fog returned these cries with nothing. Her voice became louder and more panicked, hoping that they would be picked up by her ally. The fog still refused to make a sound. She began running back along the path they came, attempting to locate anything that would help find the Diplomat, yelling all the same. The fog, this time, returned with something.

Though the fog was deep, the Sharpshooter could make out the muffled figures that were a few feet away from her. It was a group of bandits, and next to one of them, was an axe she recognized. She knew who was supposed to be carrying that axe, yet, her friend wasn't there. Where was she? Had she dropped her weapon? Did she get captured? As these thoughts began to race through the girl's mind, her anger rose with them. Above all other forms of evil in this world, she couldn't stand the bandits. Bandits had destroyed her home when she was younger, bandits had taken away those she loved, and here they were again, bandits, involved in her friend's disappearance. Her rage was boiling over - she pulled out her bow and steadied her aim. Holding her breath, she let loose the string.


Screams of agony whipped through the trees. Lying on the ground was one of the bandits, dead, in a pool of their own blood. The girl released the breath she had held, but knew her job wasn't done yet. She went to pull out another arrow from her quiver, only to find nothing was there.

"Looking for this?"

Towering above her hunched over body stood a bandit, filled with as much rage as she had towards them. She immediately reached for her sword - it wasn't there. With nothing to defend herself with, she was quickly overwhelmed by the sheer strength of her opponent. The bandit called over to the rest of his group, alerting them all to what he had found. Bound to a tree and gagged with her own attire, she noticed the gaze of the dozens of men that now surrounded her.

"You'll pay for what you've done! See all our boys here? You're gonna apologize to each and every one of them for killing one of our own. Then, once we think you've paid your debt, we'll auction you and that girl we nabbed earlier off at the market. Haha! How's that sound?"

Upon hearing those words, she used the last of her strength to struggle. It gave her pure anguish knowing she was going to be defiled by these beings, yet, she could do nothing. All she could do was endure the hell she was about to go through. One by one, she was showered and pumped full of the bandit's "tribute" to their fallen comrade. Right after one finished, they moved to the back of the line and began preparing themselves for another round. There would be no end - there would be no forgiveness." -Story from the creator's pixiv

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