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SadSap commented at 2024-01-24 07:40:52 » #2860600

@Kaoshima. I know what the word patriarchy means, and it's obvious here they used it in a specific way, ESPECIALLY after the voice director/voice actress confirmed her own strong personal biases. Aka, ordinary anime fans who dislikes dub changes like these are getting lumped in right with the racist, sexist, incel weeb types. I have a problem with implying that men are solely the only reason why people would have an issue with huge tittied women showing too much skin in public. Again, plenty of women would bitch about women looking like Lucoa, ironically even the terminally online geek feminists who complain all day about "oversexualized" big titty female characters and would blame the patriarchy on everything. Lastly, I don't see Lucoa as the type to quickly blame the "the patriarchy" instead of just saying "humans" or "prudes".

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