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Anonymous commented at 2010-11-11 04:47:11 » #502502

My school was the exact opposite of this.

The janitors cleaned instead of having the students do it
[which would have probably given a sense of responsibility]

Instead everyone would drop there gum rappers and cans on the floor each passing period.

& don't even get me started on the scenery. We had plat glass walls which gave us a view of the many passing cars of the city streets.
[Sounds nice? Imagine seeing smog and hearing horns all day during a test T_T]

To be honest im jealous of the sense of calmness this drawing gives off. My high school was filled with gossips and trendy thug wannabes who valued there image more then there actual selves or the people around them.


If it where more like this me and my friends wouldn't have skipped class every other day just to get away from the dreadful melancholy of this uncivil and repetitive school.

Except art class...

I Fuckin loved art class

14 Points Flag
JohnSmith909-2 commented at 2011-10-28 18:48:41 » #912484

Anon 1, you win. I don't know what you won but you won it. Schools are like prisons nowadays.

1 Points Flag