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Scarletdestiny commented at 2024-02-06 09:55:47 » #2863550

*nerd mode on* Prism is a chip that drops a prism 3sq from your position that reflects all attacks on it to all squares around it. However, in the older games there is an oversight that meant if you dropped another object on top of it such as a seed, it would result in that object never disappearing and instead deals constant damage to all squares around it every frame, quickly killing any enemy misfortunate enough to be in that range. This is the so-called disco ball bug.
Tl;dr, Labrynth is dead. *nerd mode off*

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PenumbralPrince commented at 2024-02-06 22:44:35 » #2863705

Aww, cute and nostalgic <3

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