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TheHonestPervert commented at 2024-03-28 03:00:53 » #2878122

Amazing. Majora's Mask will always be among my favorites with it's dark doomed atmosphere and urgent sense to complete or else the apocalypse happens. That mad moon will always be frighteningly iconic.

2 Points Flag
LivingCorpse commented at 2024-03-28 20:54:35 » #2878312

Majora's Mask was my first Zelda game and will always hold a place in my heart as my favorite. The fact the villain was someone other than Ganondorf/Gannon helps. Not saying anything bad about the character, he is iconic and has earned his place but sometimes LOZ needs a break from him, and this game stands out in part because he is absent. Also in part because you can understand Gannondorfs goals, Majora's just insane and thinks this is all a game.

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