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Anonymous commented at 2010-11-17 02:31:46 » #509519

She's all like, "You suck at playing these games..."

And he's all like, "But letting my little sister sleep in my bed with me is gross."

And then she's all like, "Do you even like little sisters?"

And then he's like, "Why are you showing me your crotch?"

Then comes the Punching and the Kicking... and Kyousuke not fighting back because he actually likes his sister too much... and Kirino just wants to find reasons to touch him physically.

(This sums up just about every episode of the anime)

42 Points Flag
Leonheart777 commented at 2010-11-19 17:25:36 » #512751

But of course,in the end our "normal & ethnic" society will undoubtedly prevail and make them "just friends" if they hadn't already...i hate this world.

16 Points Flag
lulzy commented at 2010-11-22 02:26:46 » #515989

Such is life on Earth.

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-11-23 02:16:34 » #517297

then i suggest koi kaze

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-11-23 09:41:27 » #517542

Koi Kaze is like a complex cluster.I mean,paedophilia,incest,suicidal behaviour.Hey I'm no saint,but this exceeds even my taste.

8 Points Flag
Duesco commented at 2010-11-29 20:29:44 » #525503

Eventually, these two are going to have to fuck each other, or the stored up tension is going to level the city and kill millions.

15 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-01-26 00:07:02 » #595798

I'd actually rather see Kyousuke hook up with Manami. It would fit with what Ruri was saying about unhealthy relationships in anime and may be the final "life lesson" Kirino needs to move on with her life.

Either that or she'll start watching School Days and get ideas.

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-06-01 16:26:46 » #756383

What happened in School Days? Should I be interested? *loves crazy relationships like Kirino and Kyousuke*

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-10-04 14:00:18 » #893643

@Anon8 Well, there was a nice boat.

2 Points Flag
IchigoRadiance commented at 2013-07-13 00:50:32 » #1358846

@Anon595798 Anybody but Manami! The novels have a Kirino end, and Manami turned out to be a bitch, the kind that separates close siblings, twisting one's innocent admiration into an accusation of incest (sweet little Kirino wasn't like that, but ironically because of Manami, Kirino did end up with incestous feelings for Kyousuke), and using a situation where a classmate got hurt to change the other from outgoing, top of the school, fast athletic member, into an average, non athletic member, and a shut-in. Then later in his life told him he was worthless since few girls would ever be happy married to him. By this point we know that is a lie as not only is his own sister in love with him, three of her friends are in love with him, and another has a crush on him. One of her friends even dated him, but dumped him so the siblings could reconcile, since Kirino was bottling her feelings up, and Ruri couldn't stand to see her best friend down like that.

Ruri wasn't condemning Kirino's feelings or saying their relationship would be unhealthy, if she was, then her practically playing matchmaker wouldn't look good on her character or her friendship. Ruri loved both Kirino and Kyousuke, and wanted them to be happy together, she refused to become a wedge between them (unlike somebody else *imanaM*)

@Anon517542 Koi Kaze didn't have anything to do with pedophilia. Pedophilia as a scientific term refers to a sexual attraction to prepubescent children. Legally, most places refer to a sexual attraction to children 13 and below. Nanoka is 15 and in highschool. She isn't prepubescent either. If you must use a term the one to use is ephebophilia and it refers more than just having the attraction, there has to be a preference. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ephebophilia

Yes, Koi Kaze is a bit controversial. But you have to remember that in Japan and most of the world, the age of consent is 16. I realize that for many, the presence of one of those things (incest, young, age gap) can probably stomached, but a combination drives them away. You have to look at the story as not a regular incest story. The story at it's heart is about Genetic Sexual Attraction. Koishiro was a fairly normal guy, he had normal attractions. Being reminded that he had a little sister and that she was going to live with him, it was more than he could handle. GSA is a deeply psychological and complex subject. It affects you down to your core, driving you insane until you are separated again or until you regain the bond that was lost when you were separated the first time.

Was Koishiro in the wrong? Yes and no. Having his feelings are one thing, acting out on them are another. I do think the two could have had a happy relationship, I just prefer they would have waited until doing the deed. In japan, incest is legal even if it is looked down upon. Still they do not look at sex with a minor any more leniently than in America. I think his battle was more a struggle with even having the attraction to Nanoka than waiting. If their feelings were mutual, they could wait. Nanoka would wait, I am sure.

1 Points Flag