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SomeInternetLoser commented at 2024-04-04 21:46:34 » #2880217

The picture of when Monika and Aya where sold at the slave market.

Here, the merchant is showing the recently enslaved Monika to Dhuran the dwarf, who owns a gladiatorial school and is looking for more slave gladiatrixes. He ended up buying Monika and the blonde girl.

Aya, however, wasn't qualified due to her glasses (bad vision). She ended up being bought by another merchant who took her to a neighboring city where she was publicly auctioned and bought by Cid, lord and chief of that city.

3 Points Flag
BobSR2 commented at 2024-04-04 21:52:31 » #2880221

How does the commission process work for this artist since l see his slave art almost everywhere these days

2 Points Flag
SomeInternetLoser commented at 2024-04-04 21:57:49 » #2880222

Just contact him (You can find him as Dark Mangaka on Pixiv), tell him what you want and he'll give you a price, pay him through paypal and wait for the sketch, tell him if there are things to correct and then wait for the colored picture. It's not complicated.
You may ask for a price sheet if you are not sure about pricing.

2 Points Flag
RED0909 commented at 2024-04-04 22:26:45 » #2880226

His work does seem to be popular so l might be careful in terms of pricing #2880221

1 Points Flag
Twili007 commented at 2024-04-05 06:50:17 » #2880319

Are these gladiator fights, fights to the death? Or are these show fights?

1 Points Flag
SomeInternetLoser commented at 2024-04-05 09:54:33 » #2880345

Fortunately for Monika, in the surface world, gladiatorial fights are just for show.

Before each match, they are given modified power bracelets, like those used by adventurers, that doesn't increase the user's strenght, but grants a determined set of Hit Points (HP) that is equal for both combatants. The power bracelet grants the gladiator a magical body barrier that protects their body, even if they are half naked, so no attack is lethal as long as it have Hit Points remaining. the match is over when the Hit Points of any one of the combatants reaches 0, in which case they are instantly transported out of the arena through magic.

The arena fights are either against other gladiators or in endurance matches against dungeon monsters (monsters created by dungeon magic), in which they fight continuously until they are defeated.

2 Points Flag
Twili007 commented at 2024-04-07 04:29:53 » #2880784


That sounds good, I would like to see a gladiator fight like that

0 Points Flag