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ShiuninSora commented at 2024-04-09 19:39:58 » #2881414

Translation, from right to left. Someone please add it if you can.

(Fern, top right)
I'm having trouble.
If we do this...
Will it solve the problem?

(Frieren, top left)
That's what it said in the grimoire.

(Text box in the middle right)
Frieren mistakenly used a strange magic spell.

(Frieren, bottom right)
Fern, I've lived over a thousand years.

But there seems to be a lot I still don't know about magic.

(Fern, bottom left)
Is now the time to be impressed, Frieren-sama?


7 Points Flag
ElShiro_ commented at 2024-04-10 01:33:17 » #2881478

Thanks for the translation, im adding it

1 Points Flag