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Anonymous commented at 2014-11-07 17:29:10 » #1630821


Take my keystrokes

6 Points Flag
Jerl commented at 2014-11-07 19:45:55 » #1630900

Alright, that's enough of that.

Anon: If you're the person who's been posting those comments, please stop. I understand that it's your fetish and that it's a fetish that many people share, but there are many people who do not wish to see such comments. Normally, this would be fine, but there are many who will take it as a personal insult. Please be aware that it is a violation of our commenting guidelines ( which can be found here: gelbooru.com/index.php?page=wiki&s=view&id=207 ) to post comments which are or can be construed to be insults directed at users of the site. Additionally, it's also a violation of our commenting guidelines to post comments containing dialogs about what you think is happening in an image. I don't really remember seeing you do that, but I'll just throw that out in the open as well. In most cases, we would normally continue to just remove these comments as we find them, but since it's come to this, I figure I may as well make our commenting policies clear.

Xalrun: You really, really need to stop doing this. If you absolutely must respond to a user in circumstances like this, that's what the Post as anonymous checkbox is for. If you're trying to give an anonymous user a warning for doing something, please try to be professional about it by citing official site policies and precedence and remaining polite through the exchange. Under no circumstances should you ever post insults directed at users of the site. If you find yourself getting to the point where you're tempted to do so, get another moderator to take over for you.

13 Points Flag
Jerl commented at 2014-11-07 20:40:55 » #1630925

The rule about tasteful comments is mainly a rule against users posting comments about their own sexual experience, or, more specifically, their own illegal sexual experience. Users posting comments basically bragging about committing crimes have been a constant problem for us, though it was somewhat reduced when toddlercon images were banned.

Also, please be aware that any common trait makes a group of people, and making fun of or shaming that trait is the same thing as posting a hateful attack on all members of that group. As I said, this doesn't have to be your actual motivation in posting the comment; it is enough for your comment to be removed if it can be interpreted this way.

I will also disagree with you on your assessment of her expression, partially because of her blush, but mostly based on the heart drawn next to her head. In hentai artwork, such a mark is almost always a sign that the character is enjoying what's happening in some way. I can understand your reasoning for your assessment, but with illustrated drawings like these, without word from the image's actual artist to go by, clear and objective features like the heart mark hold far more weight than anecdotal evidence.

Finally, please be aware that we don't have a way to ban your user account without banning your IP address as well. When a user account is banned, all IP addresses that were used to access that account are automatically banned. We don't have any sort of temporary banning system, so bans on Gelbooru are all or nothing. If you disagree with your ban, feel free to dispute it through the Contact Us form. There is a link to this form at the top of all search and image view pages.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-02-16 15:57:42 » #1689737

No one cares anon, you're disgusting

5 Points Flag