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Anonymous commented at 2017-05-06 17:46:16 » #2126278

I've read a bit about this Elder God, seeimg as I'm interested in Lovecraft and the Mythos but never heard of this particular God.
For one it's quite interesting to see him with Mokou and now I wonder, would he have any effect on her? At all?
Since Mokou is pretty much unaffected by time his main ability would have no effect.
However, being an Eldrich abomination, I would not be surprised that Lunar Immirtality means all but jack shit to him.
The woki said summoning him is lethal if one even subconciously thinks about suicide.
So would he harm Mokou? Would she crumble into dust whenever in his presence or would her healing factor kick in?

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liamzakhaev commented at 2017-05-07 21:01:07 » #2126663

given what the hourai elixir does, she would just come back

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Anonymous commented at 2017-05-08 11:19:01 » #2126836

That's oversimplifying it, I feel. Lovecraftian beings have always prided themselves of not playing by a set of rules. They're not from this universe after all.

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