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Anonymous commented at 2012-07-05 18:25:40 » #1109363

Anyone remember Charazard? 10 foot tall dragon?

Supposed to be 5'7"

Dragonite? 7'3" Appeared at near Godzilla porportions in one episode...

Nidoqueen... 4'3" Seen as small as a Nidoran♀... 1'4"

Tentacruel... Godzilla proportions in an unaired eipsode...

Even Jesses tits were drawn super inflated in one awesome episode (Wish I Remembered which one though...)

Pokemon anime animators doesn't pay any attention to size, distance, spacing, proportion, or anything besides the concept sketch given and what this conceptualised character is supposed to be doing...

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Anonymous commented at 2012-10-10 01:07:51 » #1178197

Here's a great example of size comparison: gelbooru.com/index.php?pa...view&id=1523107...the pokedex puts zebstrika at 5'03" and emolga at 1'04! I believe this scene was drawn to prove this point.

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