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Anonymous commented at 2013-06-30 13:55:04 » #1351085

his hat almost looks like red's :3

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-06-30 15:35:17 » #1351127

See you in the top 16 again, loser.

*Screeches away in shiny red car with 10 hot cheerleaders*

7 Points Flag
ehwdihed151 commented at 2013-06-30 18:32:14 » #1351212

@BaconMinion, Ash accomplishes a lot if you think about it. Not every person in the Pokémon world travels as much, stops criminal organizations and gets as much Badges as he do. He basically accomplishes everything the different games characters do, except winning Leagues.

And the only time he reverted back was in the start of Best Wishes. Haters like to pretend that always happened but it's only their nostalgia googles talking. If people still watch the anime it's simply because it's not dead.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-06-30 22:16:04 » #1351306

Ha, gotta love these people that complain and take things too seriously about a kids show.

YOU are the ones who need to grow up.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-06-30 22:58:39 » #1351322

I wouldn't mind having his version of the XY protagonist jacket in the game. Looks neat.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-07-01 02:10:27 » #1351410

@Anon1351306, taking things seriously about a kids show doesn't mean you need to grow up, some people just like anylizing these stuff. And Pokémon is a show for all ages, maybe BW is more childish but still can be enjoyed by teens and it is indeed.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-07-01 02:29:01 » #1351417

Hi, I'm ash! Me and Pikachu's great grandson will bungle through the same rehashed plot lines and the same lame Team Rocket traps for ANOTHER season! And I'll stay the SAME age I've been for twenty years! Even though my mother has long since passed away from old age and everyone I knew before have all grown up and moved on with their lives, I NEVER AGE, OR LEARN ANYTHING! I think making friends with legendary pokemon is WAY more important then actually CATCHING them!

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-07-01 04:41:45 » #1351501

It's because other people in Pokémon are clearly aging while he is not. Trainers become trainers at the age of ten, right? Given that this is an Anime where everyone stays one age for simplicity's sake then it would only make sense that he and everyone else would stay the same age for the rest of the series. Hold up though, upon breaking away from Brock and Misty reach Hoenn he meets and subsequently starts adventuring around with May. . .who just turned ten.
How can that be? How dare she age and confuse us! Not to mention all of these League sanctioned tournaments that "only happen once a year!"
You'd think they would stop there, after running around with May, Max and Brock through Hoenn that kind of stuff would stop. Nope, is the answer you were looking for. After breaking off from May, Max and Brock and reaching Sinnoh he later meets and starts to adventure around with Dawn. . .who just turned ten. What. The. Fuck!?

In short, Ash is a fucking Time-Lord/Vampire/Demon God who never ages and wishes to inflict madness upon the masses in a way that rivals Cthulu's own methods. I rest my case!!!

4 Points Flag
BaconMinion commented at 2013-07-01 06:54:29 » #1351551

It's because they're so terrified to step out of their target demographic and actually try to embrace the older audience that they have (it's been 16 and people still play these damn games) that he doesn't age. If he were, then the children he's meant to embody wouldn't relate to him, and worse, regardless of how many badges he may get or how many organizations he may in some way have a hand in stopping, he's yet to actually stand atop a regional league as champion despite all of this time trying.

That's not endearing, that's not something that makes us root for him; it just makes us depressed because he's been at this for 16 years and has yet to actually realize his dream. It gets to a point where the dream has to die and reality sinks in.

Honestly, if they're going to stick with the ten years olds, then retire the character and make a straight up adaptation of the games, this way you keep the target audience while allowing the character to actually finally win and become what the kids strive for themselves; to be the very best.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-07-01 12:05:40 » #1351693

@Anon1351417, you saying "rehashed plot lines and the same lame Team Rocket traps" clearly implies that you don't know anything about the current anime and you're just assuming.

Team Rocket doesn't even show up in every episode now. And I don't recall histories about astronomers trying to build flying saucers by controling dark matter in previous seasons, for example.

0 Points Flag