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Anonymous commented at 2014-06-16 23:30:33 » #1553104

I swear, if they turn her into another tsundere-ish companion...

3 Points Flag
leejunne commented at 2014-06-17 00:22:02 » #1553130

There's something kind of surreal about the photo she is holding being the one taken in post #2286829. I don't know why; I guess it's not often for a picture to be taken or developed in fiction.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-06-18 10:47:19 » #1553822

Since pokemon is for little children i dont think they will ever show a romantic relationship because for 6-10 year olds its still too early... unless they want them to get perverts like us... it is kind of sad.. but at least i can enjoy ash-harem pics here =P

3 Points Flag
Darknesslover5000 commented at 2014-06-20 11:52:12 » #1554961

The thing that makes Serena unique from Misty is pretty much every hint of Misty liking Ash was dub-only dialogue. Remember, the dub changed quite a bit of the dialogue from the original, and a lot of this included dialogue that created "PokeShipping". And whether or not we watch it here in the West, the Japanese dub is the canon that ultimately applies to the entire anime (oh the idea of this anime having an established canon when Ash is some freaky immortal ten year old is astoundingly hilarious), and as such, choices made by the Japanese anime supersede whatever hilarious dubbing mistakes we've made. There's a reason you see Misty with Tracey more often now, and why she has an Azurill given to her from him. OrangeShipping, everyone.

Meanwhile, Serena has a VERY obvious vested interest in Ash (to the point that, right now, her crush on Ash is her only defining feature) and I can't see the series ignoring something they've gone OUT OF THEIR WAY to establish is a thing.

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-06-21 18:01:14 » #1555730

The only thing Ash is good at, is giving away his best "everything". She will go out the way of Primate, or Lapras or etc, just like the other girls. As for the misty argument, sure you can argue that due to dub they shipped it a lot, but if you have seen it in other languages the same situations occur. Not to mention if you count the movies, there was serious shipping, not to mention that between ash and misty there where always small hints at each other liking to some degree with misty liking ash Way more ( I be it not as obvious with Serena but still ) nonetheless. As well as the manga spinoff of ash with misty [not to be confused with the red pokemon original ]. It's always been more hinted misty x ash.... Then now this has become a running gag... They are going to keep repeating the same shit over and over, and we to will forget about her and the rest...:/ most of us that is.

3 Points Flag
QAiizx commented at 2014-06-21 18:39:07 » #1555744

Butterfree, Pidgeot and Lapras are the only caught Pokemon the Ash has ever released.

Beedrill is the only Pokemon he has officially given away.

Primeape, Gliscor, Charizard and Squirtle were "Away training". Squirtle came once while Charizard and Gliscor came back for good and are now at Oak's Lab.

So out of 42 caught Pokemon (Not counting the 30 Tauros) only 5 of Ash's Pokemon have been removed from the show.

11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-07-08 17:28:41 » #1565334

Serena loves Satoshi. <3 <3
Satoshi loves Serena. <3 <3

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-07-26 21:14:58 » #1575597

I found this gif on the panties tag. I don't see any panties.

7 Points Flag
SRXpert commented at 2014-10-18 02:01:53 » #1619585

@ Anon 8 Yes there were shipping hint hints in other languages besides english, and the movies (although I've watched the japanese versions and there's no pokeshipping hints) but those are still DUBS. The JAPANESE is still the ultimate cannon. Oh, and the manga is NOT cannon.

@Darknesslover5000 I agree. 4kids fucked up on the diologue. They gave us the idea that in the 'battle of the badge", one year passed. In the Japanese, THEY NEVER SAID THAT! I've watched both Japanese, and English, and the Japanese NEVER gives hints to more than a year passing. However, correct me if i'm wrong, but I believe in the B/W saga, the JAPANESE celebrated ash's birthday in an episode.

As for Pokeshipping, the writers EXPLICITLY stated Misty isn't coming back. These days i see Pokeshippers as Genwunners. People who think EVERY GENERATION is shit, except for Gen One.

To both Genwunners, and Newgenners: All games are awesome. Deal with it.

And for the "hint" by misty saying there was a special person in live in a certain spinoff (forgot it, but I remember the scene), she could have been referring to Kenji (Tracy) you know...

Sorry for my rant, I'm just sick of Pokeshippers being entitled bastards.

15 Points Flag