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Anonymous commented at 2016-12-11 15:51:29 » #2063107

Really, it's not that I'd say I dislike Sun. I just don't have any reason to care about him. He hasn't show any sign of having his own goals or character arc from what I've seen. I can't get invested in his character, I can't see why Blake would be invested in him, and that keeps me from being invested in their relationship.

To use an example from a series that it would seem Monty was a fan of, let's take a look at the relationship between Edward Elric and Winry Rockbell from FMA. Winry wasn't just Ed's love interest. She had her own goal of being a master automail mechanic, and actively took steps in the story to pursue that goal. This was never a major focus of the story, but it went a long way in making her a good character, added an extra layer to her interactions with Ed, and just overall made me more invested in both her and their interactions. I genuinely valued what she added to the story.

As it currently stands, there's just so little to Sun that I can't become invested in his involvement. As far as I can tell, he's just there.

Really, I feel a lot of the supporting cast in RWBY suffers from a lack of adequate development. Sun and Neptune just happen to be the worst offenders in my opinion, largely because I'm supposed to believe that they're the romantic interests of two of our leads. That role practically requires characters to be more fleshed out if you want the audience to be seriously invested in it.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-02-16 06:02:38 » #2097729

I agree with the fact
My main thing about Bumblebee Vs Blacksun in particular is that... there's really nothing that Sun has or could do (other than being a Faunus) that Yang doesn't already cover for Blake ten times over with the added appeal of her actually being an interesting, fully filled out character who actually impacts the story.

I mean, look at ships like Arkos and Renora compared to Blacksun and whatever Neptune and Weiss' shipping name is. It's not about het against Yuri, it's just that Sun and Neptune may as well be cardboard cut outs.

1 Points Flag