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Anonymous commented at 2012-03-10 04:31:06 » #1020317

I don't know. Kagami's personality seems like it would fit Ragna's better, and Konata would fit Taokaka's.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-03-10 06:50:39 » #1020354

@Anon above me: That would be highly unlikely.

Kagami would embody Jin better because of their statuses as the opposing element of the main protragonists (Ragna and Konata, respectively). Although to point it, Kagami is almost equivalent to TRUE Jin Kisaragi.

Plus, you have to take into account that Jin looks almost exactly like Noel (including the Color Scheme) which would put them in the category of "Twins" (since Noel is a clone of Jin's sister, Saya), and they differ in personalities - Much like how Kagami looks almost exactly like her twin sister, Tsukasa. And they also differ in personalities.

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