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Anonymous commented at 2012-06-19 10:10:45 » #1096646

I don't get it.

I've never been a loli person (didn't hate them, but just wasn't my thing. Titman), yet for some reason I really love Tamamo.

Is it her being THE most friendly Heavenly Knight?
Is it her being one of the few waifu-tier monsters in the mainly cruel world of MGQ?
Is it just those fluffy tails?


41 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-06-19 10:16:39 » #1096652

It's all of those things and more that make her great. Personally for me I like her because she's pretty old and looks young, is super powerful despite her appearance, wise, and she's friendly. I know it's not the most creative type of character build but I think it played out well with her.

5 Points Flag
ghoang commented at 2012-06-19 11:16:54 » #1096697


Tamamo's quite an optimistic standout to me out of the four heavenly knights. She's quite mature despite holding a petite body (I'm surprised her body hasn't aged to that of Yao's frame, but I guess magic explains the unexplainable). Especially having trained roughly 11 generations of Alices. So she's quite an interesting senior/mentor.

She's got a cute voice actor as well as disposition, and we all know everyone wants to treat her tail like the world's most comfortable pillow.

On a personal note, she likes thin fried tofu, which I also happen to like on my dinner plate with the family.

Combat-wise, quite a comedian rolling into a furling bowling ball attempting to pull a 'strike' against Luka. However her attack 'Tamamo Punch' had put me into a small irk resulting in me drawing this odd comparison. temjin01.deviantart.com/a...vs-Tamamo-Punch-294378515

Overall, I'd want her over Granberia for cuteness sake. But vice versa for glorious lust for battle. (Sorry Erubetie and Alma, but you two are too dark for my tastes)

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-06-19 23:54:09 » #1097171

Marvelous! I am very happy to find Tamamo after searching for loli.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-06-20 09:55:03 » #1097463


It's those fluffy tails of course!

5 Points Flag
Kusojijii commented at 2012-06-21 17:35:24 » #1098476

Maybe you're one of the people that value personality over appearances. Tamamo is more-or-less a MILF in a loli's body.

10 Points Flag
Shippudencave926 commented at 2012-06-27 00:17:33 » #1102723

Lip-Biting loli = EPICALLY SEXY

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-07-08 11:23:13 » #1111596

This must be a scene after she takes Luka to be her husband when she defeats him. :3

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-11-02 12:20:56 » #1194869

Also have to take into account that a fox demon or spirit gains 1 of there tails for each 1000 years,so by age she's technically not a loli and really is.......

.....it's over 9000!!!!

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-11-02 12:28:56 » #1194872

What if this was the real fox spirit inside of Naruto?

0 Points Flag