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Anonymous commented at 2019-10-23 02:49:06 » #2449486

How many bald friends does one guy need?

7 Points Flag
Gekkou25 commented at 2019-10-23 14:44:13 » #2449605

Well at least no one had brought up the whole Saitama vs Goku battle. That's one Pandora's Box that doesn't need to be open. We'll never hear the end of it.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-10-24 11:49:57 » #2449965

Who would win in a fight is an interesting thought experiment but it doesn’t really hold that interest for long. It treats both parties like blunt instruments and purely as numbers or statistics. It doesn’t really factor in their characters at all.

Like why would a good guy like Superman beat essentially another hero to death? Maybe a corrupt Superman would or if he was fighting someone threatening the lives of countless innocents maybe. Seeing Spider-Man beat some dude down without mercy is impactful only because it isn’t something he would normally do but it doesn’t really explain why he’s doing it and it isn’t why we like him in the first place. I think most people would like to hear what he has to say during the fight and how he uses his wits more than if he can kick someone’s ass or not. He’s a relatable hero you empathize with and root for, not the frigging Terminator.

Even old comics crossovers where the writing was not exceptional knew better than to make the heroes fighting the whole point of their interaction.

1 Points Flag